
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Frankenstein Letters - Ch 1

  1. *How does Walton treat the person he finds on the water? What does this suggest are the characteristics of a good friend and what is required to maintain healthy social bonds? What type of friend does Walton seem to be? Does the person he meets on the water seem to reciprocate?
  2. What type of relationship does Walton’s seem to have with Margaret based on his letters? Is he a good brother? Why (not)?
  3. *Based on Walton’s isolation and longing desire for companionship, what does the text suggest about what individuals need in order to be healthy individuals and human beings?

Chapter 1:

  1. What examples of good and parents do we get in Chp 1? Other family members? What makes a good/bad parent or family member? What is a parent’s responsibility toward a child, based on the the text? What evidence suggests this?
  2. In what ways does Chapter 1 demonstrate abandonment? What figure in Chapter one seems to parallel Mary Shelley based on her biographical background? How so?


Then, respond to ONE other student, extending and ADDING to the conversation.



  1. Letters:
    1. He really wants a companionship and friendship. He’s a good friend because he accepted Victor Frankenstein with open arms and takes care of him. He treats him with kindness, very trusting.

    2. He’s a good brother because he always lets her know what is going on with him and letting her know that he is safe at the moment. He also calls her “dear.” He checks in on her and how she is doing (her welfare).

    3. They need a companion, someone to talk to and share their feelings with.

    Chapter 1:

    1. His dad is a good parent because he takes Elizabeth in when her family didn’t want her. He is so selfless and caring. He also always made sure Victor was pursuing his studies, a parental duty.

    2. Elizabeth’s dad can’t take care of her anymore after her mom dies so she is sent to live with Frankenstein’s family. She is like Mary Shelley because after Mary’s mom died and her dad remarried, she was sent away to live with strangers.

    1. I agree that Walton is a good friend but I also think that Frankenstein is only being friendly with Walton because he can lead him to the creature.

  2. Letters:
    1. Walter treats Victor Frankenstein very kindly and makes sure he is comfortable and regains his health. This suggests that in order to be a good friend you must care for your friend, always keep their feelings in mind, and help them through their struggles. Walton seems like a friend that gives their all to a friendship and will be there for you no matter what. Victor Frankenstein does not display the same friendship. I think he is the type of friend who is only present when they need something from you.

    2. Walton seems to have a very close relationship with Margret almost like best friends. We see this because he constantly writes to her and makes sure she is okay. He is a good brother because he cares for her even when he is busy and makes sure to make time for her.

    3. In order to be healthy individuals, we need to have companionship in different ways in friendship, romance, or family company.

    Chapter 1:
    1. Victor Frankenstein’s father is a good parent because he takes in Elizabeth when her father no longer wants her. He also makes sure that his kids are educated and well taken care of. According to the text, a parental duty is to educate your children and care for them.

    2. In chapter one, Elizabeth is abandoned by her father which is direct parallelism to Mary Shelley’s life because she was sent away by her father when he remarried.

    1. I agree that Walton has a close relationship with his sister as he makes sure that she is okay but also he tells her in every letter that he is okay as well.

    2. I agree that Victor Frankenstein and Walton’s friendship seems very one sided because it seems to me that Victor is only using Walton as a means to catch up with the creature while Walton has been yearning for this friendship his whole time on sea and truly cares for Victor and his well being.

    3. I think that it's interesting that you mentioned that romance was needed in order to be a healthy individual because I didn't make that connection, but now, thinking about it, it makes complete sense.

  3. Letters
    Walton cares for Frankenstein as he makes sure to take care of him until he is back to normal health. He also talks with him and listens to Frankenstein’s story. This suggests that a good friend needs to care for another, be a good listener, and there also needs to be trust just like when Frankenstein trusts Walton enough to share his story with him. Walton is an ideal friend because he really shows he cares for Frankenstein and he has always desired a companion but Frankenstein does not show the same because he says he does not have the same desire for a companion. As for Walton’s relationship with Margaret he seems to be a good brother because he goes into depth about his trip and refers to her as “dear sister” or “dear Margaret”. All of his letters and desires for a companion demonstrate humans are meant to interact with each other and need people to grow a bond with.

    Chapter 1
    Victor’s father is a good parent as he not only tries to please his own kids but also takes in his niece when her own father does not take care of her. As a result, a parent is responsible for taking care of their children and making sure they can grow and learn as Victor’s father did with Elizabeth. He made sure to care for her just like the rest of his kids and made sure she was educated. Madame Mortiz abandons her daughter Justine and instead she is treated with love and respect by the Frankensteins. Justine’s story parallels with Mary Shelley life in which Mary was sent away at the age of 14 by her father and stepmother. Both girls were sent away at young ages and lived with other families.

    1. I agree with point that humans are meant to interact with each other. Without interactions with other people, it damages our social skills making it hard to communicate amongst each other.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Letters:

    Walton treats Victor Frankenstein with respect and care. Walton craves having a strong companionship with someone else. When Frankenstein enters upon his ship, he takes this opportunity to gain one. To have a good friend and to maintain healthy social bonds, both must have communication skills. People need be able to communicate amongst each other so chaos does not erupt. As demonstrated in the text, Walton seems to be a good friend. Similarly, Walton also seems to be a good brother. One can tell through his letters that he does truly care about his sister and her life. This text suggest that individuals need to have interactions amongst one another in order to be healthy individuals and human beings.

    Chapter 1:

    Victor Frankenstein's father is a good parent because he takes in his niece, Elizabeth. Elizabeth's father did not want her anymore, so Frankenstein's father generously took her in. He does not just care about himself, he cares about his family. This chapter also covers abandonment through Elizabeth's story. Her father abandoned her at such a young age. Mary Shelley is a parallel to Elizabeth. They were both abandoned by their father.

    1. I agree, the story of Elizabeth is almost identical to Mary Shelly's life. Both of them lost their mothers s a result, both of their fathers remarried and sent them away. Also, the way that the father took in Elizabeth without hesitation and raised her as his own shows how good of a father he is.

  6. 1. Walton seems to be very friendly and cordial with the person that he meets in the water. He bathes him with liquor (which isn't cheap, especially at sea) and treats him as if he is family. This suggests that a good friend must be willing to give up themselves and their goods for others, even if they are strangers. It also implies that it is necessary to think of others and be open to new experiences or adventures in order to maintain healthy social bonds. Walton seems to be a good, appreciative, and selfless friend. The person he meets on the water seems to reciprocate these actions a little by giving him smile's here and there, however we don't really know much about him because he does not speak. Walton is definitely more friendly.
    2. Based on the letters, Walton seems to be a good brother and have a very close relationship with his sister Margaret. He writes her frequently and talks about all the things that he would do if she was there with him. He treats her as if she is his other half.
    3. Through Walton's isolation and longing desire for companionship, the text suggests that individuals need human interaction and a sense of companionship in order to be healthy individuals and human beings. It implies that it is crucial to have someone that you care about or someone that cares about you so that you can go on living your life confidently and with good character.

    1. In chapter 1, we see that his dad is a good parent because he takes in Elizabeth when she has nowhere else to go. He is very caring and selfless because he always made sure that his kids had what they deserved. For example, he always made sure that Victor had a strong education, something highlighted by the text as a parental duty.
    2. Chapter one demonstrates abandonment and that it shows that Elizabeth was not cared for as she was a child by her dad so she was sent to live with Frankenstein's family. Elizabeth's story seems to represent the life of Mary Shelley, because both of their mothers died when they were very young and both of their fathers sent them away.

  7. 1) When Walton meets Frankenstein he treats him with the utmost respect and compassion. He does this by taking care of Frankenstein when he was sick and by protecting him from the interrogation of the other men. Walton seems to have a very close relationship with his sister. You can tell because he always addresses her as "my dear" and also the fact that he is always so eager to write to her about the events in his life, whether they be big or small. I think he was a good brother in th sense that he always writes to her and makes it a priority to contact her. However, I think that he is a bad brother because he is being selfish. I believe he is being selfish because he knows that this journey could lead to his death but he does it anyway; he is not considering the suffering that his sister would undergo if he were to die. Before Walton met his friend, he said that the loneliness he was feeling caused him depression. This shows that individuals in order to be healthy need companionship. 

    Chapter 1:
    I believe that a good family member must be supportive. A parents responsibility is to devote himself himself to his children. You can see this through the way Victor acts to his kids. The text states that when Victor became a parents he relinquished his occupations so that he can be there to support and nurture the education of his Children. His dad also did no hesitate when it came to helping raise Elizabeth. The figure in chapter one who resembles Mary Shelly is Elizabeth. Elizibeth resembles Mary in the sense that both of their father's sent the, away to live with someone else after their mother's died. After their mothers died, both of their fathers remarried and sent their daughters away. 

    1. I agree that Walton is slightly selfish in his letters, but for a different reason than you stated. I think his selfishness is evident in his negligence of his sister's well-being, because he mainly talks about his own experiences rather than asking about hers. Other than that, however, I am on the same page as you.

    2. I like how you took minor details like Walton's pet name for his sister and his eagerness to report his daily happenings to prove his relationship with his sister. These factors can easily be overlooked.

    3. I like how you describe Walton as Good brother through his actions such as writing to his sister all the time and asking about her life. However, I do not think he is being an entirely bad brother in the sense that he goes on voyages knowing they are dangerous. He follows his passions but still rememberer s his family along the way.

  8. Walton welcomes the person he finds on the water because he is desperate for a companion. His kind actions toward this stranger suggest that Walton thinks one should treat his or her friends with compassion and care. The person he meets on the water reciprocates this amicability in some ways by divulging his story to Walton and allowing himself to be vulnerable. This honesty and respect that the men have for each other strengthen their bond. As for Walton’s relationship with his sister, Margaret, Walton seems to be a caring and genuinely-loving brother. The only flaw I can point out in this relationship is that Walton only mentions his own trials and experiences rather than asking about his sister’s current state; however, this is understandable because he is quite far from his sister and it’s not like they had instant messaging systems during the 1800s that would allow him to briefly check in. Based on Walton’s isolation and desire for camaraderie, the text suggests that humanity thrives when relationships exist.

    An example of good parents in Chapter 1 is evident in the description of Frankenstein’s own parents, who care for and support Frankenstein and his brothers. They supported his intellectual endeavors and offered him the opportunity to educate himself in school. Frankenstein’s familial unit had “mutual affection for each other” and nobody dominated over any other person in the family. Bad parentals include Elizabeth’s father, who gave away his daughter from his previous marriage. He completely disregarded Elizabeth’s needs. This commences the text’s relationship with abandonment. Given Mary Shelley’s background information, it is clear that she initially identifies with Elizabeth, because the latter experienced a similar upbringing; both Elizabeth’s and Shelley’s mothers died, and their fathers gave them away.

    1. I agree that Walton cares about his sister a lot. I also agree with you in that his letters sometimes characterize him as a little self-centered. But I don't think it's from a selfish standpoint.

    2. I agree that Walton cares for his sister but it can also be a possibility that he writes to her in order to feel less lonely. He could be writing these letters not only to keep her informed but also to relieve some of his sense of isolation.

  9. Letters
    1.) Walton treat the person he finds, Frankenstein, with respect and care because he wants companionship. Walton makes sure that Frankenstein feels as comfortable as possible and well taken care of. This suggests that Walton is a good friend. Frankenstein in turn accepts Waltons hospitality and the two gentle man bond.

    2.) As seen in the letters, Walton is a very good brother. This is seen in the first letter when he informs Margaret of his arrival in St. Petersburg. The first thing he says is that he must check on his sister's welfare. This is also seen in how he refers to her as his "dear" sister.

    3.)The text suggests that humans need companionship to live a healthy life. Walton craves companionship, and one could argue that that Frankenstein feels the same. Frankenstein's creation of a living being could suggest that he was trying to make himself a friend.

    Chapter 1
    1.)An example of a good parent is Frankenstein's father. This is scene when he takes in Elizabeth and cares for her. Additionally, he's very attentive and supportive of Frankenstein and Frankenstein's siblings.

    2.) Based on the text, a parent is suppose to care for their child, protect, and support them. This is suggested in Frankenstein's father's actions as a parent. Chapter one demonstrates abandonment through Elizabeth's character. Her father send her away because he cannot care for her and grieve for his dead wife at the same time. Mary Shelley is parallel to Elizabeth as she was also sent away to live with someone else after her mother died. Additionally, it's the father that sends them away in both cases. So the fathers can be paralleled since they are doing the abandoning.

    1. I like how you mention that something you characterize as Mr. Genevese as being a good parent is him being attentive, one can provide for a child, but attention ad love are separate aspects and I think this is what we should pay attention to while reading because while Frankenstein contributed time to his cretinous, was he attentive?

    2. I like your commentary on Frankenstein’s motives for creating the creature. Isolation drives people crazy because humans were meant live in companionship, as demonstrated by Walton’s desire for a friend.

  10. 1)Walton treats the person with kindness. Walton performs multiple acts of service including nursing the man back to health and protecting him from a barrage of too curios bystanders. Waltons' actions suggest that a good friend is loyal, helpful, considerate, and caring. They also prove that healthy social bonds are maintained by putting time into them and by performing small acts of self-sacrifice. Walton seems like a devoted and loving friend. The person he meets is grateful and somewhat surprised at how considerate Walton is.

    2)Their relationship consists of good communication. This is evident in Walton's letters. Even in his selfishness and self-absorbedness, Walton always takes time to write his sister during his busy schedule. She is one of his top priorities. Walton even makes sure that Margaret has peace of mind about his personal welfare while he undertakes this precarious journey. He cares about her feelings and does not want her to worry.

    3)The text suggests that humans are social creatures. We were not meant to be left in isolation for long periods of time. We need some form of human contact, be it direct, indirect, or imaginary.

    Chapter 1:
    1)Mr. and Mrs. Genevese were good parents. Mr. Genevese was an honorable man known for his integrity. He took in Caroline Beaufort as a father figure after the death of Mr. Beaufort, his friend. Two years later, Mr. Genevese married Caroline. Mr. Genevese was a good provider for his family. He even "relinquished all his public functions" (23, Shelley). These parents loved their son, and idled him. They adopted a starving, orphaned daughter and fawned over her. Clerval was a good family member. He entertained the children, and was generous and kind. A good family member or parent is kind and loving. A bad family member or parent neglects or abandons their children. They focus much of their attention on the children. According to the text, parents should be able to "draw inexhaustible stores of affection from a very mine of love" (23) and direct this energy towards their children.

    2)Elizabeth's mother dies from childbirth. She is then consigned into the care of another family. The father of this family is negatively affected by political issues and thus loses his property, including Elizabeth. Mary Shelley's mother also dies from childbirth. Mary is abandoned by her father and is similarly sent to live with another family.

  11. Walton treats the person he finds on the water very well, due mostly to the fact that he desperately desires a companion. His involvement and arguable obsession with his friend suggests that friends should be very invested in each other's well being and should be very involved with each other. Walton seems to be the friend that you lean on because he isn't entirely pushy and overbearing, and he is compassionate. The person he met on the water isn't as nearly as invested in or excited about this new relationship as Walton is, possibly because he is not doing very well physically or mentally.
    2. It appears that Walton has a close bond with his sister because a) he writes her frequently, wishes her well, and wishes to hear from and see her soon. These are characteristics that would make a good brother to me because Walton's earnestness shows a genuine care for his sister's wellbeing.
    3. The text is communicating that relationships foster normalness. Walton has been without relationships for quite a while, and it says in the text that he is also someowhat of an outlier on his voyage. The other men seem to get along fine and spend time together, so they aren't regarded as un normal.

    1. You can see that the dad is a good parent because he takes his niece underneath his wing when both of her parents died. Already being a parent to his children, the fact that he is ready and willing to parent Elizabeth shows a great dad. What makes a parent bad is when they place no effort in loving their child or looking after their child's welfare. Good parents ensure, and even go above and beyond, to make sure their child is loved and well. A parents responsibility according to the text is to Paige their child the best opportunities. You can see this with Frankensten's parents because they provide him with the best education and always care after him.
    2. Abandonment is seen in chapter one when it is told that Elizabeth,s dad sent her away after her mother died. This is parallel to Mary Shelley's pre-mature circumstances because Mary Shelley was also sent away by her father after her mother died.

    1. I find it interesting to think about how Walton’s attitude towards the stranger would change if he had many/more friends. The fact that his friendship might be borderline obsessive is a good point to bring up because it can change the way we interpret his actions.

  12. Letters:
    1) Walton treats the person that he finds with great respect. He is kind to the man and makes sure that all of his needs are fulfilled. He constantly asks the other crew members to stop asking questions and to give him his privacy. He listens to what the man has to say very closely but never pushes for more information. This relationship definitively displays some of the characteristics of a good friend. Walton is constantly putting the man before himself and is an excellent listener, making it a healthy relationship. Walton is an excellent friend to the man and he is very considerate for the man and has a deep affection for the man. The man seems to reciprocate the same qualities that Walton brings to the table.
    2) Walton appears to have a very close relationship with Margaret. Throughout his letters, he uses terms of endearment like “most affectionately yours” and “my dear Margaret” which allude to the deep connection that the two have cultivated. Yes, he is a good brother. He is always reassuring Margaret about his safety and giving him updates on his life.
    3) The text suggests that healthy human beings were meant to like in companionship with each other. Walton longs for companionship in his isolation. So, when the man comes, he jumps at the possibility of companionship.

    Chapter 1:
    1) An example of a good parent is Frankenstein’s father. Throughout the chapter, the father is portrayed as a nearly perfect father. When Elizabeth needed a place to be raise, his father did not hesitate and went instantly to pick up Elizabeth and raise her as one of his own.
    2) In chapter 1, abandonment is shown through Elizabeth’s character who is sent away from her family after her father remarries. Elizabeth is a direct parallel to Mary because she too was sent away from her family.

    1. Your response regarding how Walton accepts and shows hospitality and friendship to the man (VF) is accurate. I definitely agree with you on that, however I don't think VF is really reciprocating those feelings or actions in the same way. I think VF is polite, but he keeps a distance. He doesn't seem to be one who’s too fond of or desperate for companionship in the same way as Walton, which is reflected in his actions.

  13. 1. Walton sees the creature and Frankenstein in the water. His actions suggest that he is a good friend because he is willing to give Frankenstein his space, time, etc. When all of the other sailors try to probe Frankenstein about his origins, Walton insists on giving him his space - he even offers his own room. This suggests that being a good friend means standing up for a person when they can’t do it for themselves. Being able to listen to what one has to say is required to maintain healthy social bonds. Having said that, Walton seems to be the type of friend that will keep giving while Frankenstein seems to be the opposite. He keeps taking - time, effort, etc. - without giving any back.

    2. Walton seems to be a good bother toward Margaret because he cares enough to write updates to her about his voyage. Though his main goal is to achieve recognition, he brings himself back down to earth and puts in the effort to tell his sister about what has been happening in his trip.

    3. The text suggests that individuals crave love, affection, and attention. Walton’s desire for a friend other than his sister implies a notion that humans need companionship from friends, family, or lovers to function healthily.


    1. Frankenstein’s father is a good father because he extends his care outside his immediate family. He accepts Elizabeth into his home and cares for her as much as he cares for Victor. The willingness to accept, love, and teach makes a good parent. It is their responsibility to care for their children’s wellbeing and education which can be seen in the way they doted on Frankenstein and made sure he learned.

    2. It demonstrates abandonment through Elizabeth’s story of her father not wanting her anymore after her mother’s death. It is parallel to the way William Godwin sends Mary Shelley away a few years after Mary Wollstonecraft dies.

  14. Walton treats the person he finds on the water with great kindness and respect. Walton cares for Frankenstein by taking care of his health and being protective over him. His actions support characteristics of a good friend and healthy relationship. He respects VF and doesn't push him to the limits. They converse and Walton doesn't bother Frankenstein with too many questions. For these reasons, Walton is a good friend. However, Frankenstein doesn't reciprocate this companionship back. He is more of the reserved, less feely type compared to Walton.

    Walton seems to have a very close, open relationship with his sister. He cares enough about her to write her multiple letters to update her about his life, in addition, he tells her about all his feelings and what he experiences. It seems he doesn't hide anything from her. He is a good brother because he makes sure to maintain their friendship even though he is out traveling and he checks in on her through the letters.

    The text suggests that individuals need companionship to be healthy beings. Without a friend or someone to talk to, people feel alone which leads to feelings of depression. A loving bond brings feelings of warmth and happiness.

    Frankenstein’s parents are shown as examples of good parents. The father encourages VF to continue in his studies and both parents are so loving that they wanted to help Elizabeth, so they brought her into their family. Elizabeth herself was also a good family member. She got along well with the Frankensteins and treated them as family. She cares for VF’s wellbeing. Through the Frankensteins’ actions, the text demonstrates the responsibilities of a parent: providing a home, love, education, and care.

    Chapter 1 demonstrates abandonment through Elizabeth’s situation. Just like Mary Shelley, Elizabeth’s mother died when she was young, and her father left her.

  15. Letters:
    1. Walton treats the person he finds on the water kindly. He takes him in allows him onboard, takes care of him and even lets him sleep his his area. This shows the healthy practices within a friendship because in a healthy friendship, the people must demonstrate compassion and care for eachother. Walton is being a good friend by taking care of him and showing he really wants a friend and companionship, especially since the “friendship” is essentially one sided since he is taking care of him.
    2. Walton and Margaret have a close brother-sister relationship. They both love each other very much and care about what is going on in each others lives. Yes He is a good brother because he asks Margaret about herself as well as warning her he may not survive the treacherous sea search.
    3. Walton at sea feels very isolated and lonely, even though he has his whole crew to accompany him. He yearns for true companionship and an actual friendship. The author through the text shows that in order to have good mental health and health in general, one must also have companionship.

    Chapter 1:
    1. In chapter one we see examples of good and bad parents through VF father. His father is a good parent because he encourages him to go to school, truly loves him, and even takes in Elizabeth when her father kicked her out. An example of bad parents would be Elizabeth’s parents forcing her to leave home (similar to MS being sent away). This shows the parents responsibility to take care of their child and furthermore makes the connection that MS loved her father but was hurt when she was sent away.
    2. We see abandonment in ch 1 through Elizabeth being abandoned by her father. This relates directly to MS who was abandoned by her father and sent away to live with strangers in a foreign country.

  16. Letters:

    Walton is kind to the person he finds in the water, which happens to be Victor Frankenstein. Since he finds Frankenstein in poor health he and his crew nurse Frankenstein until he recovers. He is also patient with him because he listens to his life story. Since Walton had been looking for a friend and feels that he has finally found one in Victor. Since he considered Victor his friend now he demonstrates what a good friend should do to maintain healthy social bonds. For example, Walton is a good listener, caring to Victor’s needs (found sick and weak in the water), and trustworthy (Victor feels comfortable sharing his story). Walton’s eagerness to have a companion makes him a good friend because eh will be willing to put in maximum effort into the relationship. On the other hand, Victor does not feel as friendly and claims not to have a desire for friendship at the moment.

    Margaret is Walton’s sister whom he is writing his letter to. If he takes time to write to his sister who lives in England, it shows that he cares about her enough to keep her in the loop. By writing these letters to her, he is relieving her of the pain that comes from worry. This also shows that the siblings mutually care for eichotheror else Walton wouldn’t feel the need to inform his sister of his voyages or well being. I feel that Walton is a good brother because he is taking time and effort to keep contact with his sister regardless of distance. This also shows that he never stops thinking about her and is excited to share his adventures with her.

    Walton’s isolation and desire for companionship show that humans need interaction with others. This is seem by the fact that Walton writes to his sister , not only as a way to teller his experiences but also as a therapeutic release and way to express himself in order to feel less lonely.

    Chapter 1:
    An example of good parenting is when Victor’s father, Alphonse, decides to adopt his niece, Elizabeth. He is being a good example for Victor by taking in a child that was unwanted and basically thrown away by her parents. He kind enough to take on more responsibilities and raise Victor’s cousin. A good parent is someone who puts their child’s needs in front of their own and set a good example of kindness and generosity. A bad parent would be someone like Elizabeth’s father who decides to put their child last and disregard them. Based on the text the parents responsibilities are to shelter, feed, and help the child grow as a person through education. Elizabeth seems to mirror Mary Shelley because both of their fathers couldn’t take care or refused to take care of their children and abandoned them.


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