
Monday, September 25, 2017

About -- & Welcome!


Introduction to NDA's AP: It's Lit!

This blogsite is intended for ENG 12: AP English Literature & Composition, Period 5. It is for both the instructor and the students in the class. 
The overall goal of this blog is to create a platform in which ideas can be sparked, exchanged and discussed, while simultaneously allowing students to expand classroom conversation into the real world and speak to various audiences via the world wide web. Further, by keeping all the information conveniently in one page, reviewing and studying for the AP exam once the exam dates is on the horizon should be much easier. 
The site will be updated regularly to reflect upcoming assignments, and communication on the platform.
Students subscribing to the RSS feed for the site can get notices when things are added/updated.

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Frankenstein/ Rime of Ancient Mariner & SUBLIME

                            Das Eismeer (The Sea of Ice), 1823–1824, a painting by Caspar David Friedrich The painting above depicts ...